HowTo for TouchWizz 4.5

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  • Launcher TW4.5 : actions on screens

    This Launcher acts quite the same as the touchwizz 3.0 launcher. But I will explain you here how to do some little actions on the main screen.

    set default screen
    you quickly can know which is the main screen by :

    - pinching in on the screen (or by hitting menu and then configure). A list of all desktops will appear :

    The default mainscreen is the one with the little house drawed on it.

    To change the default homescreen, from this view:
    - hit the menu key
    - click on "define as default homescreen"
    - select the one you want. It will be greyed
    - click on "ok"

    adding screens
    - pinching in on the screen (or by hitting menu and then configure). A list of all desktops will appear :

    - press the + button to add a new screen

    removing screens
    - pinching in on the screen (or by hitting menu and then configure). A list of all desktops will appear :

    - press and hold the screen you want to remove
    - drop the holded screen in the bottom trash bin
    - validate

    change the size of widgets
    press long the widget until the phone make a little vibration. then stop pressing. You will see a yellow grid allowing you to resize the widget by dragging the grey corner :

    quickly select a screen
    you have many options to quickly select a screen :
    - if you're not on the main screen, simply hit the middle button to go back to main screen
    - hit the "pageIndicator" of the page you want to reach
    - slide the "pageIndicators" to quickly browse screens

    basis functions
    adding new shortcuts, change wallpaper, adding widget, moving shortcuts and widgets through screens,... are like the TW3.0
    Just to note that if you have themed applications, shortcut of those which are dragged from the appdrawer will have the themed icon.

    That's all for now... but if you have any other clues or infos, PM me or post an answer !

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