HowTo for TouchWizz 4.5

List Themes -- Source on XDA

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  • Theming HOWTO:

    currently the following can be themed:
    1. icons inside the app:
    case Id.Menu.add: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_add.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.cancel: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_cancel.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.discard: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_discard.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.edit: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_edit.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.preferences: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_preferences.png"; 
    case name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_save.png"; 
    case name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_search.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.share: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_share.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.wallpaper: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_wallpaper.png"; 
    case Id.Menu.settings: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"menu_settings.png"; 		
    case Id.Folder.icon: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"folder_icon.png"; 
    case name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"folder_open.png";  //unused?
    case Id.Add.folder: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"add_folder.png"; 
    case Id.Add.shortcut: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"add_shortcut.png"; 
    case Id.Add.wallpaper: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"add_wallpaper.png"; 
    case Id.Add.widget: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"add_widget.png";
    case Id.AppMenu.app_running: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"app_running.png"; 
    case Id.Dock.background: name = Settings.currentThemeDir+"dock.png";
    case Id.pageIndicator: name= Settings.currentThemeDir+"pageIndicator.png";
    "dock_apps.png" for apps icon
    "dock_home.png" for home icon
    theme_settings.png (for the icons in the preferences)
    Name the icons like above, that means to change the page indicator icon you name your image "pageIndicator.png".
    (If you want to theme additional icons, pm me..)

    2. app backdrops in appmenu
    icon size: 86x86px !
    Name the tiles tile_packageName.png where you have to replace "packageName" by the package name of the app.
    You can also specify random tiles with tileXX.png, here replace "XX" with numbers from 0 to 15 (0, 1, ... 15).

    3. app icons
    icon size should be 72x72 (or higher) so that the icon does not get upscaled.
    Name the icon either packageName.png or className.png.
    It will first look for the className.png then if not found, for the packageName.png, this means "packageName.png" is more convenient as long as the app does not have multiple icons in the appdrawer.

    4. dock icons
    Here the same as for app icons applies with the difference, that all icon names have to start with "dock_" (for example "").
    Dock icons overwrite app icons (if given).

    At the end, zip all your images in a .zip (directly into the root folder of the .zip).
    Lastly you can also overwrite settings with a, to do that, do a backup in launcher settings, pull the "samsung.tw4.nextgen_preferences.xml" and remove all but the values you want to provide with your theme. Example is attached.
    For additional info see the attached example themes.

    To get your theme downloadable in the tw4manager, upload your theme somewhere and send me the following:

    Iphone Folder;Cool iPhone like folder icons;;;;;

    First part ("Iphone Folder" in this case):
    The title of your theme.

    Second part ("Cool iPhone like folder icons"):
    The description of your theme.

    The third part ("")
    A direct download link to the theme. If you upload it here in the forum, do rightclick on the attachment, "open in new tab", there you have the url.
    Note: if the url starts with forum.xda.... you must insert "http://" at the beginning.

    The fourth part (""):
    How your zip should be named when downloaded (Don't choose a generic name like "").

    The fith part (""):
    A url where to view the theme. In this case it displays this post. Can be optional. If you don't want to provide an url, instert "null" (without "").

    The sixth and last part (""):
    A direct dl link to an image you want to show for your theme in the app. If you don't have an image insert "null" again.

    It is very important to keep the order! Also you must seperate every part with a ";" and lastly if you don't have a view url or a preview image, don't leave the parts out but instead insert "null" (No spaces except in your title/description, and of course don't use ";" in your title/description ).

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